Friday, May 23, 2014

Second Semester Reflection

Henry Huang
85-1330 Waianae Valley Rd. #C
Waianae, HI 96972

T 808 696 8798
M 808 386 3368


My time during Honors British Literature has been an interesting and challenging experience. An online class was very different from a regular class but also rewarding. This class has taught me a lot abou not only literature but online skills.


Hanalani Schools
Class of 2015


Student,Henry Huang

Waianae, HI 1997-Present


  • Creating my own blog
  • Learn about various British authors
  • Create various multimedia productions
  • Be challenged to do more in my assignments
  • Learn how to use various online website tools
  • Finished an online class


HTML coding
Twitter posts


Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Lewis Books

The Chronicles of Narnia

I'd not only recommend The Lion, The Witch, and the The Wardrobe but the whole series. The whole series consists of a group of children stumbling into a whole new realm with fantasy and also has some biblical aspects. The thing I like about this book is that isn't just one main character but four brothers and sisters. As the series continues these group of siblings mature a lot compared to the beginning. Overall, The Chronicles of Narnia is always a classic to me and has many good aspects to it. Although there are movies, a book has much more to tell and this is also true to this series of books.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Symptom of Love Song

Friday, April 25, 2014

A Haunted House by Woolf

The title of this story seems very deceiving. People may look at it and think of a horror story about ghosts but in reality it's a very light hearted story. It starts off in the view of two ghosts who are observing a living couple as they try to figure out what is making the noise in the house. It goes on and the couple gets closer and closer to this so called treasure in the house. At the end of the story we find out the treasure was the happy memories the old ghost couple had when they owned the house. I found it very interesting that this "ghost story" was through the viewpoint of the ghosts instead of the people. It made it different and a unique reading experience. I would enjoy these kind of stories where it twists the normal standard into a differnt point of view.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Response of Hope

Dear Virginia,

Jeremiah 29:11 says "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. It is the low points of our lives that we tend to lose hope in ourselves. Your letter was touching and heart warming but your fear is holding you back. You have a husband that loves you dearly for who you are. You should not be afraid of this terrible disease but fight through it. Live through this trial and live for happiness with the ones you love.

Henry Huang

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

A Poem Inspired by Kipling


If you can keep calm when all is wrong,
If you can continue with the faintest breath,
If you can believe when all hope is lost,
If you can face the toughest fears
And not fall into despair,
But come out with hope and faith,
You will become much more than great.

Tweets by @henryguohuang